Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD signifies the end of the Christmas season. The Feast is notable because it marks the beginning of Jesus’ ministry and confirms his identity as the Son of God. This event is documented in all the gospels except John. Christ’s baptism remarkably shows all three Persons of the Trinity at the same time: the Son being baptised, the Holy Spirit descending, and the Father speaking from the heavens. In this event, the Father and the Holy Spirit confirm the deity of Christ, and Jesus submits to his Father’s will. When Jesus comes to John, John hesitates to baptise him. John’s is a baptism of repentance, and Jesus has nothing for which he needs to repent. Why then does Jesus insist on being baptized? By choosing to be baptised, Jesus fulfils all righteousness – preparing himself to be a perfect sacrifice for us.