CAFOD Lent Fast Day 3 March 2023

We are invited to go without a meal and donate the proceeds to CAFOD.  God created a world of abundance with enough food for everyone, but we have turned it into a world of want. Each and every night, one in eight people goes to bed hungry due to lack of food.  So, let’s hunger for a fairer world by supporting Fast Day and donating what we save.

This Lent, your donations to CAFOD’s Family Fast Day Appeal will help families fighting the climate crisis and ensure that our Church network can quickly respond to emergencies, like the recent earthquake in Syria and Turkey.  Please pray for CAFOD’s development and emergency response work all over the world.

CAFOD’s Lent video appeal may be viewed online.

Please give today to support CAFOD.  You may make your donation in several ways:

  • Cash or cheque in the collection boxes at the churches.  Please use a Gift Aid envelope (available in the churches) if you are a UK tax payer.
  • Using the Dona card payment machines in the churches.
  • Online via the Parish Dona accounts at:

If you donate using Dona (online or by card) CAFOD can claim Gift Aid if you complete an envelope (available in the Church).  Please mark it with the amount you have paid and the word “Dona”.

Please complete a Gift Aid declaration if you are a UK tax payer. it increases the value of your donation by 25%, at no cost to you.