Weekly Bulletin – Sunday 1st January 2023
Synod 2021/2023
Please visit the diocesan website for latest resources and information for the Synodal journey we are all invited to participate in, including videos of the keynote talks.
As part of our Advent Journey and our response to the call to prepare for the Synod 2023, there will be a time of prayer and reflection on the Synod themes of Communion, Participation and Mission, on Wednesdays December, 8th, and 15th from 11.15am to 12noon with Eucharistic adoration.
Francis invites everyone to participate in the 2023 Synod Process. In prayer we are asked to listen to each other’s hopes, dreams and concerns for the Church in the future. During Advent we will spend time listening to God first. Then we will gather in January to listen to the community and a parish response will be sent to Bishop Declan by the end of February. This process will be guided by Fr Michael and the PPC.
Honouring Sunday
As people begin returning to more regular patterns of parish life and following the first face to face meeting of the Catholic Bishops of England and Wales in Leeds, the bishops have issued the following statement about the importance of honouring Sunday:
www.cbcew.org.uk/bishops-statement-honouring-Sunday .
It is also available to read on the notice board in Church.