Racial Justice Sunday

The theme for today, Racial Justice Sunday, builds on that of the previous year’s Racial Justice Sunday ‘A Time to Act’, which reflected on the importance of everyone recognising themselves, their race, their culture and their history in the life of the Church.

In 2022 we are being invited to reflect on how we see others in the “Image and Likeness of God”. A series of A4 posters featuring Our Lady and the Child Jesus from a diverse cross-section of countries and cultures carrying a prayer taken from Pope Francis’ document Fratelli Tutti have been prepared and can be seen on cbcew.org.uk.

Come, Holy Spirit, show us your beauty, reflected in all the peoples of the earth, so that we may discover anew that all are important, and all are necessary, different faces of the one humanity that God so loves. Amen.

St Mary & St Patrick Parishes: Input to Synod 21/23

The Pope has invited the Catholic Church to provide input into the 2021-23 Synod.  The Synod is currently in its Diocesan phase whereby everyone, laity and the ordained are invited to submit their views on how the Church can “Journey Together” for Communion, Participation, and Mission.

In an “ideal world” the Parishes would hold many small prayer-based groups to consult with and record the thoughts of all our parishioners.  Even without the pandemic, this would not be possible in the short 2-month timeframe available to us.  Given the pandemic, we must adopt another method and so have chosen to use a series of online questionnaires following on from the opportunity before Christmas to pray and meditate before the Blessed Sacrament.

A video introduction to our Parish approach to the Synod is available online and you are encouraged to watch it.  The video describes the 3 questionnaires we are using to capture your input.

Your input is anonymous and will be passed on to the Conference of Bishops of England and Wales.  You are encouraged to complete the questionnaires online as that avoids us having to interpret handwriting and having to type up all the inputs but if you are unable to do so you can download and print hard copies which you can complete by hand and return to the presbytery.


The 3 questionnaires are:

If you have any questions about the synod or completion of the questionnaires, please email treasurer.corsham.stpatrick@cliftondiocese.com and we will reply.